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Trust & Trustworthiness

Earlier we learned to interpret a certificate as a statement, or claim, like: "issuer says subject's public key is blah blah blah". This claim is signed by the issuer so it can be authenticated by relying parties. We glossed over something important in this description: "how does the relying party know the issuer's public key?

The answer is simple, if not satisfying: relying parties are pre-configured with a list of trusted root certificates (or trust anchors) in a trust store. The manner in which this pre-configuration occurs is an important aspect of any PKI. One option is to bootstrap off of another PKI: you could have some automation tool use SSH to copy root certificates to relying parties, leveraging the SSH PKI described earlier. If you're running in the cloud, your SSH PKI, in turn, is bootstrapped off of Web PKI plus whatever authentication your cloud vendor did when you created your account and gave them your credit card. If you follow this chain of trust back far enough you'll always find people: every trust chain ends in meatspace.


Root Trust Stores

Root certificates in trust stores are self-signed. The issuer and the subject are the same. Logically it's a statement like "Mike says Mike's public key is blah blah blah". The signature on a self-signed certificate provides assurance that the subject/issuer knows the relevant private key, but anyone can generate a self-signed certificate with any name they want in it.

Provenance is critical: a self-signed certificate should only be trusted insofar as the process by which it made its way into the trust store is trusted. On macOS, the trust store is managed by the keychain. On many Linux distributions, it's simply files in /etc or elsewhere on disk. If your users can modify these files, you'd better trust all your users.

So where do trust stores come from? For Web PKI, the most important relying parties are web browsers. The trust stores used by default by the major browsers -- and pretty much everything else that uses TLS -- are maintained by four organizations:

  • Apple's root certificate program used by iOS and macOS
  • Microsoft's root certificate program used by Windows
  • Mozilla's root certificate program used by their products and, because of its open and transparent process, used as the basis for many other trust stores (e.g., for many Linux distributions)
  • Google's root certificate program used by Chrome on all platforms except iOS.

Operating system trust stores typically ship with the OS. Firefox ships with its own trust store (distributed using TLS from — bootstrapping off of Web PKI using some other trust store). Programming languages and other non-browser stuff like curl typically use the OS trust store by default. So the trust stores typically used by default by pretty much everything come pre-installed and are updated via software updates (which are usually code signed using yet another PKI).

There are more than 100 certificate authorities commonly included in the trust stores maintained by these programs. You probably know the big ones: Let's Encrypt, Symantec, DigiCert, Entrust, etc. It can be interesting to peruse them. If you'd like to do so programmatically, Cloudflare's cfssl project maintains a GitHub repository that includes the trusted certificates from various trust stores to assist with certificate bundling.


These 100+ certificate authorities are trusted in the descriptive sense — browsers and other stuff trust certificates issued by these CAs by default. But that doesn't mean they're trustworthy in the moral sense. On the contrary, there are documented cases of Web PKI certificate authorities providing governments with fraudulent certificates in order to snoop on traffic and impersonate websites. In 2011 the "trusted" DigiNotar and Comodo certificate authorities were both compromised. There are also numerous examples of CAs mistakenly issuing malformed or non-compliant certificates. So while these CAs are de-facto trusted, as a group they're empirically not trustworthy. We'll soon see that Web PKI in general is only as secure as the least secure CA.

The browser community has taken some action to address this issue. The CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements rationalize the rules that these trusted certificate authorities are supposed to follow before issuing certificates. CAs are audited for compliance with these rules as part of the WebTrust audit program, which is required by some root certificate programs for inclusion in their trust stores (e.g., Mozilla's).


Web PKI relying parties (RPs) trust every CA in their trust store to sign certificates for any subscriber. The result is that the overall security of Web PKI is only as good as the least secure Web PKI CA. The 2011 DigiNotar attack demonstrated the problem here: as part of the attack a certificate was fraudulently issued for This certificate was trusted by major web browsers and operating systems despite the fact that Google had no relationship with DigiNotar. Dozens more fraudulent certificates were issued for companies like Yahoo!, Mozilla, and The Tor Project. DigiNotar root certificates were ultimately removed from the major trust stores.

More recently, Sennheiser got called out for installing a self-signed root certificate in trust stores with their HeadSetup app, then embedding the corresponding private key in the app's configuration. Anyone can extract this private key and use it to issue a certificate for any domain. Any computer that has the Sennheiser certificate in its trust store would trust these fraudulent certificates. Oops.

There are a number of mitigation mechanisms that can help reduce these risks. Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) allows you to restrict which CAs can issue certificates for your domain using a special DNS record. Certificate Transparency (CT) (RFC 6962) mandates that CAs submit every certificate they issue to an impartial observer that maintains a public certificate log to detect fraudulently issued certificates. Cryptographic proof of CT submission is included in issued certificates.

In any case, if you run your own internal PKI you should maintain a separate trust store for internal stuff. That is, instead of adding your root certificate(s) to the existing system trust store, configure internal TLS requests to use only your roots. If you want better federation internally (e.g., you want to restrict which certificates your internal CAs can issue) you might try CAA records and properly configured RPs.