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Certificate Lifecycle

Before you can use a certificate with a protocol like TLS, you need to figure out how to get one from a CA. Abstractly, this is a pretty simple process: a subscriber that wants a certificate generates a key pair and submits a request to a certificate authority. The CA makes sure the name that will be bound in the certificate is correct and, if it is, signs and returns a certificate.

Certificates expire, at which point they're no longer trusted by RPs. If you're still using a certificate that's about to expire you'll need to renew and rotate it. If you want RPs to stop trusting a certificate before it expires, it can (sometimes) be revoked.

Like much of PKI this simple process is deceptively intricate. Hidden in the details are the two hardest problems in computer science: cache invalidation and naming things. Still, it's all easy enough to reason about once you understand what's going on.

Naming Things

Historically, X.509 used X.500 distinguished names (DNs) to name the subject of a certificate (a subscriber). A DN includes a common name. It can also include a locality, country, organization, organizational unit, and a whole bunch of other irrelevant crap (recall that this stuff was originally meant for a digital phone book). No one understands distinguished names. They don't really make sense for the web. Avoid them. If you do use them, keep them simple. You don't have to use every field. In fact, you shouldn't. A common name is probably all you need, and perhaps an organization name if you're a thrill seeker.

PKIX originally specified that the DNS hostname of a website should be bound in the the DN common name. More recently, the CAB Forum has deprecated this practice and made the entire DN optional (see sections of the Baseline Requirements). Instead, the modern best practice is to leverage the subject alternative name (SAN) X.509 extension to bind a name in a certificate.

There are four types of SANs in common use, all of which bind names that are broadly used and understood: domain names (DNS), email addresses, IP addresses, and URIs. These are already supposed to be unique in the contexts we're interested in, and they map pretty well to the things we're interested in identifying: email addresses for people, domain names and IP addresses for machines and code, URIs if you want to get fancy. Use SANs.


Note also that Web PKI allows for multiple names to be bound in a certificate and allows for wildcards in names. A certificate can have multiple SANs, and can have SANs like * This is useful for websites that respond to multiple names (e.g., and

Generating Key Pairs

Once we've got a name, we need to generate a key pair before we can create a certificate. Recall that the security of a PKI depends critically on a simple invariant: that the only entity that knows a given private key is the subscriber named in the corresponding certificate. To be sure that this invariant holds, best practice is to have the subscriber generate its own key pair so it's the only thing that ever knows it. Avoid transmitting a private key across the network.

You'll need to decide what type of key you want to use; here's some quick guidance (as of May 2023). There's a slow but ongoing transition from RSA to elliptic curve keys (ECDSA or EdDSA). If you decide to use RSA keys make them at least 2048 bits, and don't bother with anything bigger than 4096 bits. And use RSA-PSS, not RSA PKCS#1. If you use ECDSA, the P-256 curve is probably best (secp256k1 or prime256v1 in openssl).

Here's an example of generating an elliptic curve P-256 key pair using openssl:

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out k.prv
openssl ec -in k.prv -pubout -out

Here's an example of generating the same sort of key pair using step:

step crypto keypair --kty EC --curve P-256 k.prv


Once a subscriber has a name and key pair the next step is to obtain a leaf certificate from a CA. The CA is going to want to authenticate (prove) two things:

  • The public key to be bound in the certificate is the subscriber's public key (i.e., the subscriber knows the corresponding private key)
  • The name to be bound in the certificate is the subscriber's name

The former is typically achieved via a simple technical mechanism: a certificate signing request. The latter is harder. Abstractly, the process is called identity proofing or registration.

Certificate Signing Requests

To request a certificate, a subscriber submits a certificate signing request (CSR) to a certificate authority. The CSR is another ASN.1 structure, defined by PKCS#10.

Like a certificate, a CSR is a data structure that contains a public key, a name, and a signature. It's self-signed using the private key that corresponds to the public key in the CSR. This signature proves that whatever created the CSR knows the private key. It also allows the CSR to be copy-pasted and shunted around without the possibility of modification.

CSRs include lots of options for specifying certificate details. In practice most of this stuff is ignored by CAs. Instead most CAs use a template or provide an administrative interface to collect this information.

You can generate a key pair and create a CSR using step in one command like so:

step certificate create --csr test.csr test.key

Identity Proofing

Once a CA receives a CSR and verifies its signature, the next thing it needs to do is figure out whether the name to be bound in the certificate is actually the correct name of the subscriber. This is tricky. The whole point of certificates is to allow RPs to authenticate subscribers, but how is the CA supposed to authenticate the subscriber before a certificate's been issued?

The answer is: it depends. For Web PKI, there are three kinds of certificates and the biggest differences are how they identify subscribers and the sort of identity proofing that's employed. They are: domain validation (DV), organization validation (OV), and extended validation (EV) certificates.

DV certificates bind a DNS name and are issued based on proof of control over a domain name. Proofing typically proceeds via a simple ceremony like sending a confirmation email to the administrative contact listed in WHOIS records.


The ACME protocol, originally developed and used by Let's Encrypt, improves this process with better automation: instead of using email verification an ACME CA issues a challenge that the subscriber must complete to prove it controls a domain.

The challenge portion of the ACME specification is an extension point, but common challenges include serving a random number at a given URL (the HTTP challenge) and placing a random number in a DNS TXT record (the DNS challenge).

OV and EV certificates build on DV certificates and include the name and location of the organization that owns the bound domain name. They connect a certificate not just to a domain name, but to the legal entity that controls it. The verification process for OV certificates is not consistent across CAs. To address this, CAB Forum introduced EV certificates. They include the same basic information but mandate strict verification (identity proofing) requirements. The EV process can take days or weeks and can include public records searches and attestations (on paper) signed by corporate officers (with pens). And at the end of the day, web browsers don't prominently differentiate EV certificates in any way. So, EV certificates aren't widely leveraged by Web PKI relying parties.

Essentially every Web PKI RP only requires DV level assurance, based on "proof" of control of a domain. It's important to consider what, precisely, a DV certificate actually proves. It's supposed to prove that the entity requesting the certificate owns the relevant domain. It actually proves that, at some point in time, the entity requesting the certificate was able to read an email or configure DNS or serve a secret via HTTP. The underlying security of DNS, email, and BGP that these processes rely on is not great. Attacks against this infrastructure have occurred with the intent to obtain fraudulent certificates.


Certificates expire… usually. This isn't a strict requirement, per se, but it's almost always true. Including an expiration in a certificate is important because certificate use is disaggregated: in general there's no central authority that's interrogated when a certificate is verified by an RP. Without an expiration date, certificates would be trusted forever. A rule of thumb for security is that, as we approach forever, the probability of a credential becoming compromised approaches 100%. Thus, certificates expire.

In particular, X.509 certificates include a validity period: an issued at time, a not before time, and a not after time. Time marches forward, eventually passes the not after time, and the certificate dies. This seemingly innocuous inevitability has a couple important subtleties.

First, there's nothing stopping a particular RP from accepting an expired certificate by mistake (or bad design). Again, certificate use is disaggregated. It's up to each RP to check whether a certificate has expired, and sometimes they mess up. This might happen if your code depends on a system clock that isn't properly synchronized. A common scenario is a system whose clock is reset to the unix epoch that doesn't trust any certificates because it thinks it's January 1, 1970 — well before the not before time on any recently issued certificate. So make sure your clocks are synchronized!

On the subscriber side, private key material needs to be dealt with properly after certificate expiration. If a key pair was used for signing/authentication (e.g., with TLS) you'll want to delete the private key once it's no longer needed. Keeping a signing key around is an unnecessary security risk: it's no good for anything but fraudulent signatures. However, if your key pair was used for encryption the situation is different. You'll need to keep the private key around as long as there's still data encrypted under the key. If you've ever been told not to use the same key pair for signing and encryption, this is the main reason. Using the same key for signing and encryption makes it impossible to implement key lifecycle management best practices when a private key is no longer needed for signing: it forces you to keep signing keys around longer than necessary if it's still needed to decrypt stuff.


If you're still using a certificate that's about to expire you're going to want to renew it before that happens. There's actually no standard renewal process for Web PKI -- there's no formal way to extend the validity period on a certificate. Instead you just replace the expiring certificate with a new one. So the renewal process is the same as the issuance process: generate and submit a CSR and fulfill any identity proofing obligations.

The hardest part is simply remembering to renew your certificates before they expire. Pretty much everyone who manages certificates for a public website has had one expire unexpectedly, producing an error. My best advice here is: if something hurts, do it more. Use short lived certificates. That will force you to improve your processes and automate this problem away. Let's Encrypt makes automation easy and issues 90 day certificates, which is pretty good for Web PKI. For internal PKI you should probably go even shorter: twenty-four hours or less. There are some implementation challenges -- hitless certificate rotation can be a bit tricky -- but it's worth the effort.


You can use step to check the expiry time on a certificate from the command line:

step certificate inspect cert.pem --format json | jq .validity.end
step certificate inspect --format json | jq .validity.end


If a private key is compromised or a certificate's simply no longer needed you might want to revoke it. That is, you might want to actively mark it as invalid so that it stops being trusted by RPs immediately, even before it expires. Revoking X.509 certificates is a big mess. Like expiration, the onus is on RPs to enforce revocations. Unlike expiration, the revocation status can't be encoded in the certificate. The RP has to determine the certificate's revocation status via some out-of-band process. Unless explicitly configured, most Web PKI TLS RPs don't bother. In other words, by default, most TLS implementations will happily accept revoked certificates.

For internal PKI, the trend is towards accepting this reality and using passive revocation. That is, issuing certificates that expire quickly enough that revocation isn't necessary. If you want to "revoke" a certificate you simply disallow renewal and wait for it to expire. For this to work you need to use short-lived certificates. How short? That depends on your threat model (that's how security professionals say ¯(ツ)/¯). Twenty-four hours is pretty typical, but so are much shorter expirations like five minutes. There are obvious challenges around scalability and availability if you push lifetimes too short: every renewal requires interaction with an online CA, so your CA infrastructure had better be scalable and highly available. As you decrease certificate lifetime, remember to keep all your clocks in sync or you're gonna have a bad time.

For the web and other scenarios where passive revocation won't work, the first thing you should do is stop and reconsider passive revocation. If you really must have revocation you have two options:

Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)

CRLs are defined along with a million other things in RFC 5280. They're simply a signed list of serial numbers identifying revoked certificates. The list is served from a CRL distribution point: a URL that's included in the certificate. The expectation is that relying parties will download this list and interrogate it for revocation status whenever they verify a certificate. There are some obvious problems here: CRLs can be big, and distribution points can go down.

If RPs check CRLs at all, they'll heavily cache the response from the distribution point and only sync periodically. On the web CRLs are often cached for days. If it's going to take that long for CRLs to propagate you might as well just use passive revocation. It's also common for RPs to fail open -- to accept a certificate if the the CRL distribution point is down. This can be a security issue: you can trick an RP into accepting a revoked certificate by mounting a denial of service attack against the CRL distribution point.

For what it's worth, even if you're using CRLs you should consider using short-lived certificates to keep CRL size down. The CRL only needs to include serial numbers for certificates that are revoked and haven't yet expired. If your certs have shorter lifetimes, your CRLs will be shorter.

Online Certificate Signing Protocol (OCSP)

If you don't like CRL your other option is OCSP, which allows RPs to query an OCSP responder with a certificate serial number to obtain the revocation status of a particular certificate. Like the CRL distribution point, the OCSP responder URL is included in the certificate. OCSP sounds sweet (and obvious), but it has its own problems. It raises serious privacy issues for Web PKI: the OCSP responder can see what sites I'm visiting based on the certificate status checks I've submitted. It also adds overhead to every TLS connection: an additional request has to be made to check revocation status. Like CRL, many RPs (including browsers) fail open and assume a certificate is valid if the OCSP responder is down or returns an error.

OCSP stapling is a variant of OCSP that's supposed to fix these issues. Instead of the relying party hitting the OCSP responder the subscriber that owns the certificate does. The OCSP response is a signed attestation with a short expiry stating that the certificate is not revoked. The attestation is included in the TLS handshake ("stapled to" the certificate) between subscriber and RP. This provides the RP with a reasonably up-to-date revocation status without having to query the OCSP responder directly. The subscriber can use a signed OCSP response multiple times, until it expires. This reduces the load on the responder, mostly eliminates performance problems, and addresses the privacy issue with OCSP.