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Certificate Authorities

We've talked a lot about certificate authorities (CAs) but haven't actually defined what one is. A CA is a trusted certificate issuer. It vouches for the binding between a public key and a name by signing a certificate. Fundamentally, a certificate authority is just another certificate and a corresponding private key that's used to sign other certificates.

Obviously some logic and process needs to be wrapped around these artifacts. The CA needs to get its certificate distributed in trust stores, accept and process certificate requests, and issue certificates to subscribers. A CA that exposes APIs to automate this stuff is called an online CA. A CA with a self-signed root certificate included in trust stores is called a root CA.

Intermediates, Chains, and Bundling

The CAB Forum Baseline Requirements stipulate that a root private key belonging to a Web PKI root CA can only be used to sign a certificate by issuing a direct command (see section 4.3.1). In other words, Web PKI root CAs can't automate certificate signing. They can't be online. This is a problem for any large scale CA operation. You can't have someone manually type a command into a machine to fulfill every certificate order.

The reason for this stipulation is security. Web PKI root certificates are broadly distributed in trust stores and hard to revoke. Compromising a root CA private key would affect literally billions of people and devices. Best practice, therefore, is to keep root private keys offline, ideally on some specialized hardware connected to an air gapped machine, with good physical security, and with strictly enforced procedures for use.

Many internal PKIs also follow these same practices, though it's far less necessary. If you can automate root certificate rotation (e.g., update your trust stores using configuration management or orchestration tools) you can easily rotate a compromised root key. People obsess over root private key management for internal PKIs and it delays or prevents internal PKI deployment. Your AWS root account credentials are at least as sensitive, if not more. How do you manage those credentials?

To make certificate issuance scalable (i.e., to make automation possible) when the root CA isn't online, the root private key is only used infrequently to sign a few intermediate certificates. The corresponding intermediate private keys are used by intermediate CAs (also called subordinate CAs) to sign and issue leaf certificates to subscribers. Intermediates aren't generally included in trust stores, making them easier to revoke and rotate, so certificate issuance from an intermediate typically is online and automated.

This bundle of certificates -- leaf, intermediate, root -- forms a chain (called a certificate chain). The leaf is signed by the intermediate, the intermediate is signed by the root, and the root signs itself.


There's nothing stopping you from creating longer chains and more complex graphs (e.g., by cross-certification), but it's generally discouraged, as it can become very complicated very quickly. In any case, end entity certificates are leaf nodes in this graph. Hence the name "leaf certificate".

When you configure a subscriber (e.g., a web server like Apache or Nginx or Linkerd or Envoy) you'll typically need to provide not just the leaf certificate, but a certificate bundle that includes intermediate(s). PKCS#7 and PKCS#12 are sometimes used here because they can include a full certificate chain.

More often, certificate chains are encoded as a simple sequence of line-separated PEM objects. Some stuff expects the certs to be ordered from leaf to root, other stuff expects root to leaf, and some stuff doesn't care.

In any case, here's an example:


Certificate Path Validation

Since intermediate certificates are not included in trust stores, they need to be distributed and verified just like leaf certificates. You provide these intermediates when you configure subscribers, as described above. Then subscribers pass them along to RPs. With TLS this happens as part of the handshake that establishes a TLS connection. When a subscriber sends its certificate to a relying party it includes any intermediate(s) necessary to chain back up to a trusted root. The relying party verifies the leaf and intermediate certificates in a process called certificate path validation.


The complete certificate path validation algorithm is complicated. It includes checking certificate expirations, revocation status, various certificate policies, key use restrictions, and a bunch of other stuff. Proper implementation of this algorithm by PKI RPs is absolutely critical. People are shockingly casual about disabling certificate path validation (e.g., by passing the -k flag to curl). Don't do this.

Don't disable certificate path validation. It's not that hard to do proper TLS, and certificate path validation is the part of TLS that does authentication. People sometimes argue that the channel is still encrypted, so it doesn't matter. That's wrong. It does matter. Encryption without authentication is pretty worthless. It's like a blind confessional: your conversation is private but you have no idea who's on the other side of the curtain. Only this isn't a church, it's the internet. So don't disable certificate path validation.