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Public Key Infrastructure

It's good to know what a certificate is, but that's less than half the story. Let's look at how certificates are created and used.

Public key infrastructure (PKI) is the umbrella term for all of the stuff we need in order to issue, distribute, store, use, verify, revoke, and otherwise manage and interact with certificates and keys. It's an intentionally vague term, like "database infrastructure". Certificates are the building blocks of most PKIs, and certificate authorities are the foundation.

If you build your own PKI from scratch you'll enjoy a ton of discretion. Just like if you build your own database infrastructure. In fact, many simple PKIs don't even use certificates. When you edit ~/.ssh/authorized_keys you're configuring a simple certificate-less form of PKI that SSH uses to bind public keys to names in flat files. The only thing that's truly mandatory if you're building a PKI from scratch is that, definitionally, you've got to be using public keys. Everything else can change.

That said, you probably don't want to build a PKI entirely from scratch. We'll focus on the sort of PKI used on the web, and internal PKIs that are based on Web PKI technologies and leverage existing standards and components.

As we proceed, remember the simple goal of certificates and PKI: to bind names to public keys.


You interact with Web PKI via your browser whenever you access an HTTPS URL — like when you loaded this website. This is the only PKI many people are (at least vaguely) familiar with. It creaks and clanks and bumbles along, but it mostly works. Despite its problems, it substantially improves security on the web and it's mostly transparent to users. You should use it everywhere your system communicates with the outside world over the internet.

Web PKI is mostly defined by RFC 5280 and refined by the CA/Browser Forum (a.k.a., CA/B or CAB Forum). It's sometimes called "Internet PKI" or PKIX (after the working group that created it). The PKIX and CAB Forum documents cover a lot of ground. They define the variety of certificates we talked about in the last section.

They also define what a "name" is and where it goes in a certificate, what signature algorithms can be used, how a relying party determines the issuer of a certificate, how a certificate's validity period (issue and expiry dates) is specified, how revocation and certificate path validation works, the process that CAs use to determine whether someone owns a domain, and a whole lot more.

Web PKI is important because Web PKI certificates work by default with browsers & almost anything else that uses TLS.

Internal PKI

Internal PKI is PKI you run yourself, for your own stuff: production infrastructure like services, containers, and VMs; enterprise IT applications; corporate endpoints like laptops and phones; and any other code or device you want to identify. It allows you to authenticate and establish cryptographic channels so your stuff can run anywhere and securely communicate, even across the public internet.

Why run your own internal PKI if Web PKI already exists? The simple answer is that Web PKI wasn't designed to support internal use cases. Even with a CA like Let's Encrypt, which offers free certificates and automated provisioning, you'll have to deal with rate limits and availability. That's no good if you have lots of services that you deploy all the time.

Further, with Web PKI you have little or no control over important details like certificate lifetime, revocation mechanisms, renewal processes, key types, and algorithms (all important stuff we'll explain in a moment).

Finally, the CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements actually prohibit Web PKI CAs from binding internal IPs (e.g., stuff in or internal DNS names that aren't fully-qualified and resolvable in public global DNS (e.g., you can't bind a kubernetes cluster DNS name like foo.ns.svc.cluster.local). If you want to bind this sort of name in a certificate, issue lots of certificates, or control certificate details, you'll need your own internal PKI.

In the next section we'll see that trust (or lack thereof) is yet another reason to avoid Web PKI for internal use. In short, use Web PKI for your public website and APIs. Use your own internal PKI for everything else.