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Understanding Certificates

The goal of certificates and PKI is to bind names to public keys. That's it. The rest is just implementation details.


The content that follows is adapted from a Smallstep blog post.

Words You Should Know

We're going to use some technical terms, so let's go ahead and define them before we start.

An entity is anything that exists, even if it only exists logically or conceptually. Your computer is an entity. So is some code you wrote. So are you. So is the burrito you ate for lunch. So is the ghost that you saw when you were six -- even if your mom was right and it was just a figment of your imagination.

Every entity has an identity. This one's hard to define. Identity is what makes you you, ya know? On computers identity is usually represented as a bag of attributes describing some entity: group, age, location, favorite color, shoe size, whatever. An identifier is not the same as an identity. Rather, it's a unique reference to some entity that has an identity. I'm Mike, but Mike isn't my identity. It's a name -- identifier and name are synonyms (at least for our purposes).

Entities can claim that they have some particular name. Other entities might be able to authenticate that claim, confirming its truth. But a claim needn't be related to a name: I can make a claim about anything: my age, your age, access rights, the meaning of life, etc. Authentication, in general, is the process of confirming the truth of some claim.

Entities & Certificates

A subscriber or end entity is an entity that's participating in a PKI and can be the subject of a certificate. A certificate authority (CA) is an entity that issues certificates to subscribers — a certificate issuer.

Certificates that belong to subscribers are sometimes called end entity certificates or leaf certificates for reasons that'll become clearer once we discuss certificate chains. Certificates that belong to CAs are usually called root certificates or intermediate certificates depending on the sort of CA.

Finally, a relying party is a certificate user that verifies and trusts certificates issued by a CA. To confuse matters a bit, an entity can be both a subscriber and a relying party. That is, a single entity can have its own certificate and use other certificates to authenticate remote peers (this is what happens with mutual TLS, for instance).