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All email aliases managed by Texas A&M's central email services. This includes the account holder's institutional ( email and, if provisioned, the account holder's Exchange mailbox ( and Google Workspace mailbox ( addresses. Email aliases for any hosted domains associated with the above services are also stored.

Attribute MetadataDetails
FormatThe local part of the alias must conform to the following syntax rules:
• must be at least three (3) and at most (64) characters long
• must begin with a letter
• must contain only the following characters: a-z, 0-9, dot(.), dash(-), and underscore(_)
Possible ValuesAny valid format-specific string
Source(s)Defined by account holder via the Aggie Account Gateway application. If the account holder has activated their NetID and has specified a destination for their institutional email, there will be at least one alias value. Up to three aliases may be defined for the entry. If the account owner has activated their NetID but has not specified a destination for their institutional email, this attribute will be empty.
UsageEmail communications
Suppression AllowedN/A