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Campus Mail Stop. The term "mail stop" is used to identify a location on campus. It is the last four digits of the postal service ZIP CODE + 4. Each department has been assigned a four-digit mail stop code.

Attribute Name:'mailStop'
Multiple Values:Multi-valued (treated as Single-valued)
Format:Directory String 256
Search Syntax:EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
Controlled Vocabulary:not applicable
Source:If (present in EDW feed) ⇒ EDW campusMailStop (employee-defined in Workday)
else, if (present in AMFD feed) ⇒ AMFD campusMailStop To change the mail stop in Workday, the employee should do the following:
• Log into Workday
• In the top right corner, the employee's name and the Home icon (a cloud in a blue circle) will be visible. Click the name or the icon to display a dropdown menu.
• In the dropdown menu, the employee's name will be listed at the very top with 'View Profile' just under the name. Click 'View Profile'.
• A menu will be displayed on the left side of the screen. Click 'Personal' in that left menu. This will display several tabs at the top of the screen.
• From the tab options at the top of the screen, click 'IDs'. Just under the tabs, an Edit button is displayed followed by several sections of data.
• Click the Edit button and select 'Change My Other IDs' from the dropdown.
• Modify the Mail Stop field and click 'Submit'.

Directory-specific details

Enterprise Directory People Branch
Access:Access to Enterprise Directory restricted.