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Account login identifier for campus electronic resources. NetIDs are human-friendly identifiers selected by the account holder. NetIDs are revokable (account holders are allowed to switch to a different NetID) and reassignable (6 months after the NetID is released by an account holder, it may be claimed by a different account holder). This attribute serves as the Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) for entries in Active Directory.

Attribute Name:'cn'
Multiple Values:Single-valued
Format:case-insensitive Unicode String (equivalent to Directory String) A NetID must conform to the following syntax rules:
• must be at least three (3) and at most (20) characters long
• must begin with a letter
• must contain only the following characters: a-z, 0-9, dot(.), dash(-), and underscore(_)
Search Syntax:fATTINDEX
Controlled Vocabulary:not applicable
Source:Defined by account holder in NetID Activation application. Modifiable by account holder in NetID Change application.

Directory-specific details

AUTH Directory People BranchAzure Directory People Branch
Indexing:Presence (pres): Improves searches for entries that contain the indexed attribute. Equality (eq): Improves searches for entries that contain an attribute that is set to a specific value.Presence (pres): Improves searches for entries that contain the indexed attribute. Equality (eq): Improves searches for entries that contain an attribute that is set to a specific value.
Usage:Login to computing resources across campus.Login to computing resources across campus.