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Obtaining Certificates

Identity Security supports 2 primary methods for obtaining a certificate, via 2 different certificate authorities.


Certificates can be issued either manually or through automation (automation is strongly encouraged, as it helps prevent outages.)

Manual Issuance

Manual certificate issuance is supported through the Texas A&M Certificate Service Web Application.

Automated Issuance

Automated issuance is supported using the ACME protocol.

Certificate Authorities

Identity Security only provides technical support for certficate issuance via Let's Encrypt or Sectigo (via the InCommon Certificate Service). We cannot offer technical assistance for any other CA (Certificate Authority), and no domain-wide validation will be performed for any other CA.

Other Public CAs

Individual CAs supporting the ACME challenges (such as Amazon Trust Services) may be able to issue certificates for individual hostnames you control, but Identity Security will not provide technical support for this use case.