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Cirrus Identity

Cirrus Identity has several different service offerings; currently, Texas A&M University utilizes the Cirrus Proxy offering.

This service allows applications and services to integrate with a single identity provider (the "proxy") via the SAML protocol.

We have integrated many of the Texas A&M System members with this proxy to offer a multilateral federation and standardized set of attributes that can be passed to an application or service to make it easy to identify which users are coming from a particular member.

Requesting Cirrus Integrations

Texas A&M's Cirrus proxy servers authorize Service Providers via our local federation metadata.


Integrations with the Cirrus proxy can often take more time than a standard bilateral integration due to the number of entities involved and/or the complexity of the request. Please be prepared for this type of request to take at least 2 weeks.

To register your application or service, please provide the SAML-compliant metadata to us that was either given to you by a vendor or generated from your custom application, and Identity Security will add it to our metadata.

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