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Central Authentication Service (CAS) was developed to provide a centralized Single-Sign-On system for campus applications.

Applications did not have to manage user accounts or maintain credentials, and could focus on maintenance and development while users had fewer credentials to manage. CAS is often used by universities and is now an Apereo Foundation project.

Requesting CAS Integrations

CAS utilizes a service registry. Your application must be registered with CAS or CAS will not respond to any requests made by the application.


CAS authentication is considered a legacy platform and should not be used for new production systems & services. To improve security and streamline access management, we are deprecating legacy platforms like CAS and will only allow SAML or OpenID Connect (OIDC) via Microsoft Entra ID going forward.

To register your application, send an email with the following information to

  • Protocol: https is required.
  • Application URL
  • Application Type: Production or Development
  • Technical Contact: Name & Email Address (The technical contact must be an active staff employee of Texas A&M.)

Technical Guides