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Attribute Services

Identity Security's attribute services are the data engines helping drive access controls for many NetID-connected systems.

NetID Attribute API

The NetID API provides a way for client applications across campus to access directory attribute information.

Attribute Reference

The Attribute Reference is an exhaustive attribute "dictionary" which defines each attribute's source and presents informative metadata about how the attribute is rendered in downstream systems.

Enterprise Directory

The Enterprise Directory is used to store NetID attributes and email aliases for:

Access to Enterprise Directory data is available via the NetID API as well. For information on obtaining exports, please see Data Reports.

OID Repository

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has delegated to Texas A&M Technology Services. The OID Repository is maintained at

OIDPurpose Attributes to Texas A&M Technology Services to Texas A&M System ServiceNow to Texas A&M Departments

Public Directory

The Public Directory is used by the campus community to look up public information for campus members and is what provides data for

MACE Namespace

MACE has delegated administration of the namespace to Texas A&M University Technology Services. For information on MACE URNs, please visit the Internet2 MACE Uniform Resource Name Registry.

NamespaceContactDate RegisteredPurposeAssignment
urn:mace:tamu.eduIdentity SecurityDecember 12, 2006Root Namespace SecurityJune 30, 2007Course OfferingsView Registry SecurityAugust 27, 2007Departmental NamespacesView Registry SecurityJuly 21, 2010Security-Sensitive PrivilegesRegistry Not Public