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Security Agent Standardization Project

Steps for "Ready to Go" Determination

  1. Work with the PM to coordinate a date to begin work.
  2. Email
  3. Receive your appropriate installation tokens.

Please reach out to the Endpoint Security Team if your group is using Endgame. We will coordinate with the TAMU System Office to have Endgame quietly uninstalled from your devices once Elastic has been fully deployed in your environment.

Endpoint Security Agent Decision Flowchart

The Endpoint Security Agent Decision Matrix is available to help departmental IT professionals understand which security agents are available and the conditions under which they should be deployed. Click here to see this flowchart.

Who does what?

  • Devices that have been moved under consolidated management (like most macOS devices) should be coordinated with UEM & the project manager.
  • Devices that have not been moved under consolidated management (like most Windows devices), can be coordinated with just the project manager.

Note on Order of Operations

  1. Install required software (e.g., Elastic, ProofPoint DLP)
  2. Remove unnecessary software (e.g., CrowdStrike, Endgame, Symantec, Spirion)

Please reach out to the Endpoint Security team if you encounter any issues or have questions. We're happy to help!